Friday, May 20, 2016

New Video on YouTube! HTCP Build.

New video, watch here!

Monday, May 9, 2016

News: Final Fantasy X/X-2 to come to Steam May 12!

Engadget article here:

I'm just going to re-link the article from Engadget here, but I am stoked about this. I own all versions of this game that I am aware of and this is the crowning remaster, which is making my reliance on console gaming quickly becoming a thing of the past. All that needs to happen now is the remaining Final Fantasies and Kingdom Hearts series to come to Steam and then i'ts game over for my consoles (except for Nintendo).

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Review: 1byone Wireless Bluetooth 4.0 Speaker Dimmable Multicolored LED Light Bulb

Purchase on Amazon:

I've been wanting to do simple LED ambient lighting for my YouTube channel (stay tuned for this in upcoming videos). I'll still probably get some LED strip lighting down the road, but this was a simpler solution for now and gives me the desired effect for the most part.

The overall construction is much better than I anticipated and has a nice heft to it, which for a Bluetooth speaker usually  translates to better sound. There really isn't much else to say about the construction and quality other than it's good and satisfying. Though, it was a little bit bigger than I was anticipating, but not a big deal.

The connectivity was super simple, just add the "1byoneBulb" and you're off to the races and ready to play music and switch up them LED lights like you're a DJ at the club. (That's how I feel with it most of the time anyways.)

Now, it will play music, but I was having trouble getting it to play through the  1byOne App and would get an error, though I'm pretty sure it was because I use the Apple music streaming service. However, if I go from the Apple Music app and play directly from there it's no problem. The sound quality isn't the greatest and there is noticeable crackling and some distortion at louder volumes. It works well as a basic bluetooth speaker but don't expect anything beyond that, it get's the job done and that's about it, which for a light bulb, is perfectly fine. :-)

Where this thing really shine (pun intended) is the lighting. Though, I will say this up front, the default lighting was a bit cool (bluish) for my taste, but it's easily adjustable. Though the downside is you have to keep re configuring to that different shade each time you turn it on as the blue-cast white is the default. 

Changing the lights is easy and a lot of fun. It's incredibly flexible and since it's RGB and dimmable, there are loads of options. You are greeted with several default color options as well as a color wheel where you can pick whatever color/shade/hue you want. The only other thing that would have been nice would have been savable custom presets as that would make some of my favorite combos more accessible. I would also liked to have seen a couple of options for effects, such as breathing, dancing to music, and walking through all the colors, as well as blinking. I think that would have upped the cool factor by quite a lot. I'm sure this could be added via a software update though and look forward to having those changing.

Overall, it's a great multi-color LED lightbulb that's just plain fun. I use it for ambient lighting for my YouTube channel and just works well. It's well made (the app needs some work still and some polish) but the color changing works as expected and works well. I would definitely recommend this LED bulb.